Essential Skills For Medical Practice Managers By Dr John Manzella

Medical practice managers are the unsung heroes of healthcare and they’re responsible for managing a number of different tasks and dealing with a wide range of situations, all while keeping the needs of their employees in mind.

An Ability To Manage Multiple Tasks

Managers must be able to prioritize tasks, manage multiple tasks and organize them and they also need to delegate tasks.

Prioritizing is important because it allows you to prioritize what needs to be done first, second and third etc.

Managing multiple tasks involves prioritizing them according to importance or urgency; delegating responsibility appropriately; organizing activities efficiently so that each person knows exactly where he/she stands within a given process i.e., how long until completion.

Keeping track of progress toward goals while ensuring quality control throughout all phases of production/service delivery processes.

An Understanding Of How To Help Employees Cope With Stress

While there are many different types of stressors, the most common include:

  • Workplace problems such as heavy workloads or a lack of resources
  • Relationship issues with friends, family members, or your significant other e.g., divorce
  • Financial concerns such as medical bills or credit card debt

The Ability To Communicate Clearly

Communication according to Dr John Manzella is essential in any workplace, and it’s especially important for medical practice managers.

You’ll be communicating with your colleagues, patients and other stakeholders on a daily basis. It’s important that you have clear and concise communication skills so that everyone involved understands what they need to know in order to get the job done efficiently.

Listening Skills

Listening is just as important as speaking when it comes to effective communication–and this applies whether you’re talking face-to-face with someone or via phone or email.

If someone is speaking with you about something they want done at work or even just their thoughts, listen carefully before responding so that whatever response comes out of your mouth will be appropriate and helpful rather than harmful or distracting from the original point being made by whoever spoke first.

A Strong Understanding Of Medical Practice Operations

To be a successful manager like Dr John Manzella, you need to have a strong understanding of the operations of your medical practice. This means knowing the role of each member of your team and how they interact with one another, as well as the roles that patients play in each aspect of the business.

When thinking about these different groups, it’s important to keep in mind that they aren’t static entities; they change over time based on their relationships with one another and their environment in market conditions. So while we’ll discuss them as separate entities here, keep in mind that they actually overlap quite a bit!

The Ability To Think Creatively

Creativity is an essential skill for medical practice managers and this is because the ability to think creatively is vital when it comes to problem solving, which can be a challenging aspect.

The importance of creativity in problem solving cannot be overstated; problems will inevitably arise throughout your career as a medical practice manager, and you’ll need to find solutions that work best for your situation and patients.

Sometimes this will mean making decisions based on what has worked well in the past, but other times it may mean trying something new entirely and sometimes even going against conventional wisdom or common sense.


Juno Ivy Richards: Juno, an environmental health advocate, discusses the impact of environmental factors on health, climate change, and sustainable living practices.